5 copies of La Llorona in the Machine Bundle - Retailers Only


5 copies of the hardcover OGN, Mary Shelley’s School for Monsters: La Llorona in the Machine (50% discount). Will also receive La Llorona bookplate sticker and Slay All Day Medusa sticker with each copy. Books will be signed by author.

The beautiful hardcover graphic novels includes the letter of admission to the school.

A supernatural MARY SHELLEY, Shel, and her misfit monsters crew use dark magic, friendship, and snark to rescue creatures in crisis like La Llorona.

In 1812, a teenage MARY GODWIN (SHELLEY) becomes trapped in a mausoleum with occult scientist DR. M. He tries to reanimate a sewn together corpse with a combination of electricity and the book of the dead, NECRO. Mary attempts to save the living book from the madmen but ends up splitting herself into two beings—one who continues on to write Frankenstein, and the other who becomes SHEL, an immortal and powerful monster bound to Necro, who saves monsters from the evil humans who wish them harm.

Two centuries later, Shel has started a school for misunderstood monsters near Lake Geneva. Will, their local wisp, arrives by Aether from Arizona with news of a monster that needs rescuing. The infamous bogeywoman from Mexican American folklore, LA LLORONA (LOLO), has been kidnapped by Camp Scare CEO, Edith Sharp. Sharp trapped La Llorona in a video game, and now, children who play it are going missing. The team needs to rescue La Llorona before townspeople enter the forest to punish any monster that they can find to avenge their children. 

You must be a retailer to purchase this product. If you are located in or around the Los Angeles area, the writer is willing to do an in store event. Please email Jessica@wickedtreepress.com to schedule.

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La Llorona in the Machine Graphic Novel - Retailers ONLY